Causey Spring CWMU Buck Deer
2025 Hunt Info
Please carefully read the hunt details and rules and review the FAQ.
As a Utah resident, you can obtain a Causey Springs CWMU buck deer permit by applying through the public drawing. If you are a NON-RESIDENT, you cannot apply for a CWMU permit through the public drawing. To learn more about Utah's CWMU program, click HERE.
If you have questions in addition to the hunt details and the hunting rules, refer to the FAQ section on this page. For any additional questions, use the form below to contact the operator. The Causey Springs CWMU does not have private tags to sell to residents or non-residents. Please do not inquire about private tags, landowner tags, trespass fees, etc.
Hunt Details
Ranch Access: Access to the ranch will be coordinated with the operator before your hunt.
Number of public permits: one (1)
Hunt Dates: Monday morning, October 6, 2025 — Sunday Evening, October 12, 2025
These are the only dates available for the bull elk hunt.
Hunters should plan on arriving on the morning of Monday, October 6, 2025
Hunters will be required to leave after the evening hunt on Sunday, October 12, 2025
Hunt is non-guided
Guided Option: yes, for a fee
Packing service offered: yes, for a fee
Meals/Lodging available: No
Guest Rules:
Only one vehicle is allowed per hunter and his or her guest(s). Guest(s) are not allowed to bring their own vehicle
Guest(s) are required to stay with the hunter/permit holder at all times.
We want hunters to be happy with the deer hunt on the property. Causey Spring CWMU is a great hunting property. Most buck deer harvested on the CWMU range from 130-160 B&C. There is potential to harvest larger deer (but it’s not common). This information is provided so applicants can make an informed decision when considering applying for the Causey Spring CWMU buck deer hunt. See the picture gallery below for reference.
To ensure a quality hunting experience for all public hunters, all scheduling and inquiring must be done through the Causey Spring CWMU Operator. Individual guides are NOT permitted to schedule hunts or deviate from this hunt information.
Hunters may shoot only one animal for which they have a tag.
Our goal is to provide you with a quality hunting experience. Your job is to enjoy the experience and conduct yourself so that all other guests have a quality experience as well.
If you draw out for this hunt, you will be contacted by the Causey Spring CWMU operator with further information regarding your hunt. Plan on four to six weeks after the draw results (expect to hear from the operator by the middle of June).
Hunting Rules for HUNTERS and Guest(s)
Take time to shoot and sight in your rifle before your hunt. Know your rifle and your limitations.
Hunters are allowed to shoot only one animal, of which they have a permit.
All game laws must be strictly complied with, including but not limited to tagging animals, care of meat, hunting from roads or vehicles, etc. All hunters must abide by Utah state laws as they pertain to wildlife. Click HERE for Utah Wildlife Laws
Most other wildlife species found on the CWMU are protected by state law and/or require special licenses or permits to ‘take’ these animals. Hunting other wildlife species of any kind is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: coyotes, badgers, ground squirrels, foxes, grouse, and waterfowl.
Hunters may only hunt for, shoot from, and shoot an animal within the boundaries of the CWMU.
No pre-season scouting.
Weapons allowed: any legal weapon.
Follow basic gun safety:
Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
No ammunition in the rifle chamber until ready to shoot (do not hike, drive, etc., with ammunition in the chamber)
Do not rely on the gun’s safety.
Be sure of your target, your line of fire, and what lies beyond your target.
Vehicles/Driving & Roads etc
Horses are allowed.
ATVs are allowed for game retrieval only.
Side-by-sides (UTVs) are allowed (permission from the CWMU operator must be given ahead of time)
No snowmobiles
We recommend a 4x4 vehicle with good off-road tires (chains are also highly recommended)
Hunters are not to drive off the main gravel roads or well-established two-tracks (these are marked)
Several roadways are closed to motor vehicles from September 10 to October 20. If the hunter draws the CWMU tag, these will be marked on the map provided..
All gates must remain ‘as they were’ when you approach them. If they are open, leave them open; if they are closed, close them.
Be safe and courteous while driving on the roads. Drive respectively and cautiously.
Care must be taken to avoid damage to Ranch roads! During extreme weather, some of the roads will be closed (for safety reasons)
No chasing, pursuing, pushing, herding, or harassing game with a vehicle.
Camping/Campsite & Guide services
Camping is allowed on the CWMU in designated areas
No alcoholic beverages.
Open campfires and smoking (because of fire risk) are only allowed in the designated camping area. Fires may be prohibited at the landowner's or operator’s discretion due to conditions.
No littering; hunters must remove all their casings, cans, trash, and debris from the premises.
Lodging and food: not available
Guide service: available at a fee
Packing service: available at a fee
Guest Policy
Guest(s) are allowed on the hunts. There isn’t a limit on guests, but only one vehicle is allowed per hunter and guest. This typically limits guests to three/four guests per hunter.
Only one vehicle is allowed per hunter/permit holder on all hunts. Guest(s) cannot have their own vehicle.
Guest(s) must stay with the hunter at all times.
The Ranch
State laws protect livestock on the CWMU. Do not harm, harass, or shoot livestock.
No other outdoor recreational activities are offered on the property during the hunts.
Respect the property and employees.
Shed antlers are considered the property of the CWMU. No hunter or their guest can pick up, remove, or take any shed antlers from the ranch.
Hunters and guests are responsible for familiarizing themselves and understanding the CWMU’s boundaries.
Access to the cooperative wildlife management unit does not include or permit access to adjoining private land.
Causey Spring Buck Deer FAQ
Only one vehicle is allowed per hunter and his or her guest(s). Guest(s) are not allowed to bring their own vehicle
Guest(s) are required to stay with the hunter/permit holder at all times.
Monday morning, October 6, 2025 — Sunday Evening, October 12, 2025
These are the only dates available for the bull elk hunt.
Hunters should plan on arriving on the morning of Monday, October 6, 2025
Hunters will be required to leave after the evening hunt on Sunday, October 12, 2025
Yes (for a fee)
Yes (for a fee)
Yes, you can participate in the mentor program on this CWMU. All paperwork for the mentor program has to be done through the UDWR. To learn more about the UDWR’s mentor program, CLICK HERE.
Most of the deer harvested on the ranch range from 130-160 B&C
See the picture gallery below for average-size bucks.
The only charge will come from the UDWR. The UDWR will charge you for your tag from the state. Please refer to the UDWR for the cost.
No scouting before the hunt
No, If you are a NON-RESIDENT, you cannot apply for a CWMU permit through the public drawing. To learn more about Utah's CWMU program CLICK HERE.
Click Here for the hunt number.
View the draw odds on the UDWR’s website by CLICKING HERE.
Read the info on this page carefully to understand your hunt fully.
The Causey Spring CWMU operator with further information regarding your hunt. Plan on three to six weeks after the draw results (expect to hear from the operator by the middle of June).
Contact Causey Spring Operator
If you have questions regarding the public state hunt on Causey Spring through the CWMU program, use the form below. Causey Spring does not have private tags to sell to residents or non-residents. Please do not inquire about private tags, landowner tags, trespass fees, etc.