Deseret CWMU Buck Deer
2025 Hunt Info
Please carefully read the hunt details and rules and review the FAQ.
If you're a Utah resident, you can obtain a Deseret CWMU buck deer permit by applying for it through the public drawing. If you are a NON-RESIDENT, you cannot apply for a CWMU permit through the public drawing. You can, however, purchase a permit directly from Wild Country Outfitters for the Deseret CWMU. To learn more about Utah's CWMU program, click HERE.
Read the following carefully. If you have questions not available in the hunt details, refer to the FAQ section on this page. For any additional questions, use the form below to contact the operator.
Meeting location: Cement plant in Croydon, UT, or the Main Ranch check station in Woodruff, UT
Number of public tags: thirteen (13)
Hunt Week
The hunter will be able to choose one of the hunt weeks below. There are two weeks of hunts to choose from, and the number of hunters per week is limited. We will allow a maximum of six (6) hunters on week 1. Week 2 doesn’t have a limit. Once we send out the email and the letter, the hunters can pick their preferred week(s). Please understand that week selection is on a first come, first served basis. Once the week’s limit has been reached, we will not add any more hunters. Please note you may not get your top priority week.
If you plan on applying for the hunt for this season, please make sure you have both weeks available, or at a minimum, the hunter needs to be available for week 2 as there is no limit on the number of hunters for week 2.
Week 1: Sunday, October 26, 2025, 2:00 PM — Friday, October 31, 2025 (departing after the evening hunt)
Week 2: Wednesday, November 5, 2025, 2:00 PM — Monday, November 10, 2025 (departing after the evening hunt). We will be hunting on Sunday, November 9th on hunt week 4.
Guided: Yes, two hunters to one guide. NO COST
This is a new change for the 2025 season. There is no option to do this hunt non-guided.
Trophy Care: Packing and caping of your trophy.
Guest Rules:
All buck deer hunters are allowed to bring ONE guest free of charge for access to the ranch.
Meals/Lodging: Included for the hunter free of charge. Guest meals and lodging are NOT free of charge. Beds/bedding, towels, pillows, restrooms, hot showers, and electricity. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided.
Guest meals and lodging are $150 per day.
The rooms in the lodge have one queen bed, a private bathroom, and a shower. If you choose to bring a guest and pay the $150 per day (for meals and lodging), please note that there will be only one queen bed in your room. Therefore, you can share the bed with your guest or bring a sleeping cot with bedding for your guest.
Hunters who want to bring a guest but choose not to pay the guest fee ($150 per day). You can bring a camp trailer, and you and your guest can camp and provide your own meals in the designated camping area on the Deseret CWMU. You can also find lodging and meals for you and your guest in Evanston, Wyoming. Each morning and afternoon, you will drive to meet your guide for the hunt.
Weapons allowed: Any legal weapon
4x4 Truck or SUV with good off-road tires
Hunters will be with the guide during the week of hunting, but the hunters’ vehicles must be able to drive to the lodge.
Please show up to Deseret with a full tank of gas.
Our management plan on Deseret is to harvest old/mature buck elk. We consider deer to be mature at 5.5+. Our goal as an outfitter is to give the hunter opportunities to harvest a mature buck. We will not field judge and score the deer on the hoof. Guides will find and locate mature deer and present opportunities. The hunter will then choose if he/she wants to harvest the buck deer.
We want hunters to be happy with the buck deer hunt on the ranch. Deseret’s deer herd is excellent, and the hunt is very fun. That said, our average scores on the buck deer on the state hunt are 130-165 B&C. There is potential to harvest larger buck deer, but we want to be upfront and transparent on the averages. We want hunters to make an informed decision when considering applying for the Deseret CWMU buck deer hunt. See the picture gallery below for references of past harvested buck deer. Please Click Here to download the 2022 and 2021 average deer scores.
Deseret lost 80% of its deer herd during the 2022/2023 winter. Please understand that deer numbers are still very low and in a recovery process. The expected full recovery won’t be until 2030.
To ensure a quality hunting experience for all public hunters, all scheduling and inquiring must be done through the Deseret CWMU Operator. Individual guides are NOT permitted to schedule hunts or deviate from the information provided on this page.
Our goal is to provide you with a quality hunting experience. You will have the same opportunity as our paying clients. Your job is to enjoy the experience and conduct yourselves in a manner that ensures all other guests have a quality experience.
If you draw out for this hunt, you will be contacted by the CWMU operator with further information regarding your hunt. Plan on four to six weeks after the draw results (expect to hear from the operator by the middle of June).
Hunting Rules
Safety comes first.
Take time to shoot and sight in your rifle before your hunt. Know your hunting and shooting limits. Understand your rifle.
Hunters are allowed to shoot one, and only one, animal for which they have a permit. Once you hit an animal and/or draw blood, that is your animal. Please be aware of your animal and its surroundings, and pick your shots carefully.
All hunters must abide by Utah state laws regarding wildlife. Click HERE for Utah Wildlife Laws.
All hunters and guests must always wear a hunter-orange hat and vest while hunting.
Most other wildlife species found on Deseret are protected by state law and/or require special licenses or permits to ‘take’ these animals. Hunting other wildlife species of any kind is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to coyotes, badgers, ground squirrels, foxes, upland birds, grouse, and waterfowl.
No pre-seasons scouting
Follow basic gun safety
Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
Treat every rifle as loaded (even if you don’t think it is).
No ammunition in the rifle chamber while driving, hiking, in camp, etc. (ammunition can be left in the magazine/clip)
Only put ammunition in the chamber when attempting to make a shot at the big game animal you have the permit for (then quickly remove chamber bullets).
Be aware of your surroundings while shooting. Do not shoot toward vehicles, hunters, and guests.
Do not rely on the gun’s safety.
Be sure of your target, your line of fire, and what lies beyond your target and what is beyond it.
Vehicles/Driving & Roads etc
No ATVs, side-by-sides, snowmobiles, or other off-road vehicles are allowed on the ranch, even if they are street-legal (trucks/SUVs/cars only)
We recommend a 4x4 vehicle with good off-road tires (chains are also highly recommended)
Be safe and courteous while driving on the roads. Drive respectively, slowly and cautiously.
The maximum driving speed is 25 mph.
The use of alcohol or possession of any open alcoholic container is prohibited while hunting or in a vehicle on the premises.
No smoking in the lodge
No open campfires.
No littering; hunters must remove all their casings, cans, trash, and debris from the premises.
The Ranch
State laws protect livestock on Deseret Land and Livestock (DLL). Do not harm, harass, or shoot livestock. DLL may file civil charges against anyone for harassing, shooting, or harming livestock.
No fishing on the streams or ponds.
No other outdoor recreational activities are offered on the property during the hunts.
Respect the property and employees.
Shed antlers and “dead heads” are Deseret's property. Hunters or guests cannot pick up or remove them from the ranch.
Hunters and guests are responsible for familiarizing themselves with and understanding the CWMU’s boundaries.
Deseret Buck Deer FAQ
You are allowed two guest on the deer hunt, but only one vehicle. The guest can’t have their own vehicles. This applies for the non-guided hunt.
If you decide to do the guided hunt, then you are allowed one guest.
Hunt Week
The hunter will be able to choose one of the hunt weeks below. There are two weeks of hunts to choose from, and the number of hunters per week is limited. We will allow a maximum of six (6) hunters on week 1. Week 2 doesn’t have a limit. Once we send out the email and the letter, the hunters can pick their preferred week(s). Please understand that week selection is on a first come, first served basis. Once the week’s limit has been reached, we will not add any more hunters.
If you plan on applying for the hunt for this season, please make sure you have both weeks available, or at a minimum, the hunter needs to be available for week 2 as there is no limit on the number of hunters for week 2.
Week 1: Sunday, October 26, 2025, 2:00 PM — Friday, October 31, 2025 (departing after the evening hunt)
Week 2: Sunday, November 2, 2025, 2:00 PM — Friday, November 8, 2025 (departing after the evening hunt)
Deseret’s deer herd is excellent, and the hunt is very fun. That said, our average scores on the buck deer on the state hunt are 130-165 B&C. There is potential to harvest larger buck deer, but we want to be upfront and transparent on the averages. We want hunters to make an informed decision when considering applying for the Deseret CWMU buck deer hunt. See the picture gallery below for references of past harvested buck deer. Please Click Here to download the 2022 and 2021 average deer scores.
The UDWR will charge you for your tag from the state. Please refer to the UDWR for cost.
If you decide to do the guided hunt the cost is $3,500
Tips for guided hunt only: Tips are greatly appreciated by the guides, cooks, and packers.
$500-$2,500 to the guide
$100-$250 to the cooks ($50-$125 to each cook)
$50-200 to the packer (if a packer assist with packing out your elk)m description
No Fishing is allowed
No, you are not allowed to hunt ducks, geese, upland birds, prairie dogs, ground squirrels, coyotes, etc.
No ATVs, side-by-sides, or other off-road vehicles are allowed on the ranch even if they are street legal (trucks/SUVs/cars only)
No, If you are a NON-RESIDENT you cannot apply for a CWMU permit through the public drawing. To learn more about Utah's CWMU program CLICK HERE.
Yes. These hunts are any legal weapon and will occur during a time frame when rifles can be use. But you are more than welcome to use a muzzleloader, crossbow, bow, or handgun. Please refer to the UDWR’s website for detailed info on TAKING BIG GAME (CLICK HERE).
No scouting before the hunt.
Yes, we encourage and love the mentor program. All paper work for the mentor program has to be done through the UDWR. To learn more about the UDWR’s mentor program CLICK HERE.
View the draw odds on the UDWR’s website by CLICKING HERE
Visit the UDWR’s hunt planner on its website by CLICKING HERE
Read the info on this page carefully to understand your hunt fully.
The CWMU operator with further information regarding your hunt. Plan on four to six weeks after the draw results (expect to hear from the operator by the middle of June).